Friday, September 10, 2010

The Struggle

Whew! This has been an intense week on the front lines. I'm exhausted. Why does incarnational leadership have to be so difficult? Although the work is tough, and the process of transformation comes with a cost, I know God is working through me in the context that he has called me to. God is moving, and I can tell because the resistance is so strong. This week has been a struggle.

The very nature of my calling requires struggle, but I know I'm in God's will when I experience difficulties. Peter Kuzmic wrote, "... there is no authentic mission from a safe distance. Mission with integrity does not take place in antiseptic conditions... Entering the context is of crucial importance. Jesus did not pick up a heavenly megaphone to shout down to the inhabitants of Planet Earth: 'Repent!' He entered human history and human flesh. He was hungry. He was thirsty. He became a refugee. Contextualization is not just knowledge of the other context, but being willing to identify yourself with the context and become vulnerable."

God... thank you for the struggles this week. Please strengthen and sustain me, Lord, according to your purposes. My prayer is that you would be glorified in all circumstances. Everything in me is yours, Father.


Jason said...

Bryan, being in the trenches seems to bring exhaustion, challenges and satisfaction at the same time. This satisfaction comes from knowing we are in the position God wants us to be in. Being back working with kids brings along it's share of trials and triumphs but I also know I/we are making a difference when other choose not to. This week alone I have dealt with abuse, pain, suffering, kidnapping, drugs, alcohol, and suicidal ideations. keep up fighting the good fight and being a "souldier" (sorry - shameless plug for the book)

Bryan McCabe said...

You don't need to be shameless about your plugs... everyone should own a copy of your book The Soul-Dier.

Thanks for the encouragement, Jason. You are uniquely positioned by God to impact many people. You're a great example to us all.