Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Prayer for a Family in Crisis

Last year at about this time a mentee had to flee Pittsburgh with his family in the middle of the night. His older brother had stolen a large amount of money from a drug cartel, and those dealers responded by putting out a "hit" on not only the brother but any member of the family. They moved to a state down south, and the mentee would call me periodically to tell me how he was doing. He asked to come up to Pittsburgh to stay with us this summer, but after talking it through with his mom we decided it was just too dangerous. A few days after that conversation, his brother was murdered. Then his uncle was killed. This family has really experienced a great deal of trauma over the past year.

I am writing about his story because his family really needs prayer. Things are not working out where they live, and they are in the process of moving back to Pittsburgh. They are hoping that the drug dealers are done with their revenge. They are currently searching for a place to live, and a job has been lined up for the mom. A return to their old neighborhood is not an option, so the kids will likely have an adjustment to a new school district. Please pray for this family... for God's guidance and protection.


Anonymous said...


Gee, Bryan, if the drug dealers can find and kill them while they're out of state, why an earth would they want to come back and make it even easier for them? Can you talk them out of this?

Meantime, we'll be praying.

John V

Danielle said...

Wow, praying for this family. Praying for you too...we deal a lot with families and communities affected by gangs and I know how stressful it can be to offer wisdom to people in this kind of crisis.