Saturday, February 6, 2010

Justice and Beauty

Perhaps because of the power of justice, it seems to take a strong hold in my life. I have a hard time turning it on and off... it seems to just be there all of the time as a part of the DNA of my life. Sometimes in comes in handy in speaking up for things when that voice is really needed. Other times it gets me into trouble, rubs people the wrong way, or just generates confusion if I am unable to articulate the cause of justice clearly. Sometimes I feel like I am a mouthpiece for justice when I spend so much time living with and working among the urban poor. I wouldn't trade it for any other passion, though.

I am really learning to see God's beauty in the midst of brokenness in the city. I am learning to experience places of brokenness as holy ground. This has been a big learning curve for me, because I come from a background which emphasized finding beauty in nature or the cleanliness of well-ordered systems.

Do you have any thoughts on justice? And, what are your thoughts on finding beauty in this world?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think one's sensitivity to social justice issues depends on: a) whether or not you've suffered social injustice, and b) whether God's Spirit has opened your eyes to it. To be honest, social justice wasn't something that I was too concerned with before I started working in LAMP. But now that God has opened mt eyes to it, it's a priority.

Beauty, though, I think is something we're all sensitive to. That said, learning to see it or find it is just that - something that's learned. Seeking and finding beauty is something that I do a lot more of as I get older; it balances the ugliness of sin and it's consequences that seems to surround us at times.

John V