Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God's Mission, Not Ours

"We are advocates for God before we are advocates for others (Wright)." Engaging in issues of justice may be important components of God's grand narrative, but we must be God's advocates in the world first. "Otherwise everything peters out into social activism and aimless programs (Wright)." Much can go wrong when we take our focus off of God. I experience this personally when I elevate issues of justice above God's plans. Mission is God's, not ours. Often the church, and individuals, have made the mission of God about themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Right on! There is definitely a difference between being an advocate for justice and an advocate for God. As you rightly point out, 'God activism' includes social activism, but not necessarily the other way around.

As an FYI, my son Jeremy did an internship in London a few years ago. While there he got to know N. T. Wright's son, and I believe he met Wright one time. Small world, huh?

John V