Thursday, June 18, 2009

Eight Transformational Leadership Principles

This morning I heard Dr. Bruce Bickel speak at the Serving Leaders breakfast sponsored by Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation. He spoke about eight traits associated with transformational leadership. They are:

1. Be a follower (charisma and personality only take leaders so far... it's really about who or what you represent that matters. We should be followers of Jesus.)
2. Be a finisher (responsibility is knowing and doing what's expected of you)
3. Be focused (dependability is doing what you say even with unexpected sacrifice)
4. Become your own reward system (thoroughness is completing tasks independently)
5. Become your word (trust is doing what you say)
6. Build double loyalty (use difficult times to demonstrate your commitment to others and what is right. Loyalty is double because we are responsible to those people in authority over us and we are ultimately responsible to God)
7. Manage your fears (courage is important because leaders cannot run away from fears)
8. Choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong (boldness requires an understanding of the long range vision of the sovereignty of God who has the ultimate victory)

He concluded with the thought that the world reacts with either praise or persecution to effective transformational leadership. We cannot control either reaction, so it is important that as leaders we "be" these qualities before we "do" anything.

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