Thursday, June 28, 2012

Cultural Diversity at Kidz Gig

Both city campuses at North Way Christian Community have teamed up for an amazing week of Kidz Gig. As I was standing with a whole bunch of kids worshipping God this morning, I was struck by the diversity of the people in the room. I noticed strong representation from African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Caucasians. We had Christians and nonChristians in the room, and people from many different socioeconomic backgrounds and various neighborhoods.

The cultural diversity at North Way is not an accident. Too often, churches in America represent some of the most segregated social institutions. As a pastor in the city, I am committed to leading a church that represents the racial and socioeconomic diversity that is so prevelant in our neighborhoods. I am committed to moving beyond paying lip service to the issue and just hoping that it happens. At North Way East End, we are working hard to develop cross-cultural leaders and cross-cultural styles of worship. We are working to build meaningful, authentic relationships with each other while trying to learn from each other. After all, our eternal destiny, the kingdom of God, is going to be extremely diverse. Modern Christians should be setting the tone for what the kingdom of God looks like now. That's why we are so intentional about engaging people across cultures. We have a long way to go in this area at North Way! Still, this week of Kidz Gig has been greatly encouraging to me. We are starting to make progress.


Timothy Wright said...

Sounds like KINGDOM to me! Bring it on. I need to have a chat with you. When are you available within the next two weeks for me to have a phone caLL or a skype with you.? Enjoy reading your thoughts.


No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting be-
wildered as to which may be true.

—Nathaniel Hawthorne

"It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father." ~ Pope John XXIII

Bryan McCabe said...

Hi Tim... It would be great to chat with you. Not sure what times work best for you with the time difference, but I have time on the morning of July 5th or July 10th between 2pm and 5pm.