Monday, April 25, 2011

Holistic Ministry

What does it mean for a church to impact its community? How can a church meet the holistic needs of people? In the book Churches that Make a Difference, the authors suggest that a healthy church is "a church that practices both evangelism and social ministry; balances nurture and outreach; knows and loves its community; clearly communicates its theology and specific vision for holistic mission; integrates the holistic vision into the internal life of the church; builds its ministry on a base of spiritual maturity and healthy, loving relationships; and calls and equips its members into action." That's a big part of what we are trying to do at North Way Christian Community. We seek to be internally healthy and externally focused. It's a difficult endeavor because culture is always changing, and people are always changing. Still, meeting holistic needs is an important part of what it means to follow Christ.

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