Friday, January 15, 2010

The Power of Rest

I am taking the day off today. More importantly, I have unplugged from the city and ministry to immerse myself in nature. Getting away for me is something that requires intentionality. It is important to sustain my relationship with God for my own well being and that of others that I impact as a leader. When I am in Homewood I am often fully immersed in either family life, ministry work, or studying. It is difficult to find time to reflect... I'm not complaining, that is just the stage of life that I am in at the moment. A lot is required of me. Ironically, the more that is required of a man, the more rest he needs.

Contemplation and reflection do not come naturally to me. I tend to be more driven and task-oriented, so when I do slow down it feels very foreign to me. I almost don't know what to do with myself. Literally. In fact, I am writing this blog entry right now because I am trying to rest and be contemplative and I can only sit still in silence for so long... so... time to write!

This is what's on my heart about rest and contemplation. How about you? Specifically, how do you slow down the pace of life? I like to travel (get away from it all), listen to music, read, write, and go for walks (in nature or in the city). I can often connect with God and replenish my energy in these ways. How do you connect with God?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Before my injury, I used to fill my backpack with my Bible and books, jump on my motorcycle, and ride to a park and 'get away' for a few hours. I'm not an outdoorsman by any measure, but being out in nature and enjoying the beauty of God's creation was (and still is) very spiritually and mentally therapeutic. Methinks it's supposed to be that way. :)

John V