Monday, January 25, 2010

Acting Dreams With Open Eyes

I'm a dreamer. My wife is a planner. So of course, God united us together to take on this adventure called life! Not to oversimplify things, but most of the decisions that impact our family can be broken down into these two categories (dreamer versus planner). I think that it can lead to a healthy set of checks and balances, or it can lead to tension and frustration with the other person. Thankfully, Julie is also my best friend, and it usually ends up just being a healthy balance. I always want to go out to eat, and Julie usually wants to stay at home to consume the food which was carefully planned out as a part of our grocery budget each month. If we have a few hours together as a family, I usually want to go out on a family adventure (museums, exploring, trying new things), and Julie likes to find creative activities to do together at our house. The word "budget" usually causes a painful reaction from me and a warm reception from Julie.

I can't speak for Julie, but I can speak into what it is like to be a dreamer. My mind is constantly on the prowl for the next adventure. Some of the adventures feel like they are just written on my heart, and I "can't not" think about taking on new risks and challenges. On a day to day basis, I have a hard time sitting still. I could never work in a cubical every day! I need to be out and about, taking on new things with each passing moment. On a long term basis, I really struggle with predictability. Our family has moved seven times in eleven years. Even though we are settled in Pittsburgh, I feel like I need to travel as an outlet for my dreamer personality (i.e. Maui, Seattle, California, Costa Rica, and Mexico City over the past couple of years). I don't know why... my mind just seems to "go there."

I know God designed me this way. T.E. Lawrence said, "All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did." I want to live life like that... to act my dreams with open eyes. Full out, wreckless abandon for God. I want to be dangerous for God. With Jesus leading the way, I want to make a huge impact for the Kingdom before all is said and done. I believe that being a dreamer suits me well for work in urban ministry. The drawback, of course, is focus. I need to surround myself with folks who will hold me accountable to keeping focused on things. I am glad for the planners in my life.

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