Saturday, January 11, 2014

Diverse Neighborhoods In Pittsburgh

One of my favorite things about living in a city like Pittsburgh is that it has so many different neighborhoods. There's a lot of diversity in the people and places that occupy the different neighborhoods. From one street to the next it seems like there is something or someone new and interesting around every corner. This is true whether I am walking around in Homewood where I live, in East Liberty where I lead a church, or in any number of the surrounding neighborhoods like Squirrel Hill or Point Breeze.

Many people look as cities as problems to be solved, choosing to focus on what's wrong with neighborhoods instead of what's right. It's tempting to want to flee things like crime and systemic brokenness. However, followers of Jesus should learn to see cities as gifts of common grace. I don't pretend like there's nothing wrong with my city, and I am actively working to take on big issues like violence and racism. Still, I love to look at the assets in the neighborhoods that surround my urban existence.

God is teaching me to love my city. I'm learning to love the people and the places that make up my diverse urban environment. I'm doing my best to lead the people at the church I happen to lead to love one another well and to love their city. I love participating in God's redemptive mission in Pittsburgh. 

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