Friday, January 3, 2014

Building Relationships in the City

There was a significant snow storm in Pittsburgh last night, so I was surprised when our doorbell rang right in the middle of an intense period of the storm. Turns out it was a young man that we've grown close to over the years. He lives in Homewood, and he was walking back to his house after walking to a store to get some basic groceries. He and his brothers have become like family to us since their mom died a few years ago. They are all welcome to stop by to see us at any time, so that's what Will did last night. He just stopped in to visit, to catch up on life, to tell some stories about he and his brothers, and to ask us how we're doing. There is nothing forced about our relationship. It's just doing life together. And that is the subtle progress of incarnational urban ministry.

The slow process of transformation in our part of the city happens through relationships that are built over time... one life on one life... one family with another family... our paths intersect and Jesus accomplishes amazing things. Relationships win out over programs any day. Relationships will last for eternity... relationships with God, and, as a result, relationships with one another. There are no quick fixes when it comes to the complexities of the urban environment. Dramatic improvements are few and far between. I'm thankful for the little signs of hope that I get to experience on a seemingly daily basis, and I'm thankful for the people that God has brought into my life.

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