Friday, April 12, 2013

Signs of Need and Signs of Hope

We have had a streak of warm weather this week in Pittsburgh. Often, as the weather starts to become warm, incidents of violence go up in my neighborhood of Homewood. True, this has been a violent week in Homewood, and the media has been quick to point these incidents out to our region. I am deeply concerned by the violence in my neighborhood, not just as a pastor but as a neighbor. I am doing everything I can to work toward solutions. Still, the violent narrative does not define my neighborhood.

When the weather turned warmer this week, it seemed like everyone on my block wanted to be outside after a long, cold winter. Kids rode their bikes and scooters up and down the street. Our neighbors came over to sit on our front porch and chat. We had a stream of kids who wanted to jump on our trampoline, so our house has had a lot of traffic. Out in the community, organizations are out and about fulfilling their missions to reach out to people. Playgrounds are being built. Kids are learning. Sports teams are practicing. Residents are looking out for one another. New construction is under way. Gardens are being groomed for the growing season. Trees are being planted. Trash is being picked up. Art is being created. Relationships are being built. There is a great deal of healthy community going on in Homewood. This is a narrative that is generally not covered by the media, or by outsiders whose only perception of Homewood is that it is a bad place. Homewood actually has many wonderful people and many assets.

A process of transformation has been going on in Homewood for a long time, and it continues to go on every day. Even though I am aware of all of the signs of need in my neighborhood, I am also encouraged by the many signs of hope that I see all around me. I am pained by the people who are suffering because of the shootings that happened this week, and I am praying for God to continue to intercede in Homewood so that we might all be able to experience peace. If you are reading this, please join with me in praying for violence in Homewood and also in elevating the good work that is going on in the community.

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