Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Art of Listening

I have been reading through a book called The Contemplative Pastor by Eugene Peterson. He points out that a major skill for pastors to develop is listening. I have been trying to focus on the art of listening recently, and it is amazing how much God is able to work through me when I take my time with people. By simply listening, God has opened up some incredible conversations. I am learning that when I rush to interject my own thoughts, I can get in the way of progress.

I have been applying this to my time spent walking around the neighborhood of East Liberty where the church I lead is located. By actively engaging people in conversations and listening well, God is showing me so much about myself, the people I'm meeting, and the neighborhood. The city has a lot to say if I allow the time. My prayer is that God would continue to show me how to listen well on a daily basis so that I can serve as a more effective pastor and leader.

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