Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Settling into my Calling

The past couple of weeks have been amazing! I'm settling into my calling as an urban pastor. I am loving connecting with all of the folks that God has brought into the new North Way East End church. To me, ministry is about relationships, and I am building tons of new relationships with people. Yesterday, I met with the North Way city staff and I was greatly encouraged by the people that the Lord has brought together to lead potentially thousands of people closer to Christ in many different ways. Today I'll be hitting the streets of Homewood. I'll be walking to meet with a pastor in Homewood to dream about how our churches may be able to partner to advance the kingdom of God in the East End. I love walking in my neighborhood because I never know what unexpected experiences God will bring across my path. That's the best kind of ministry! I'll be walking right through a corner close to where one of my mentees lives that is filled with prostitutes and addicts. Maybe God will give me the opportunity to show the love of Christ to somebody? I'll probably run into a bunch of kids I know from the neighborhood when I'm walking back from the meeting, and they'll catch me up on their lives and everything that is going on in the streets. Then I'll drive to Wexford in the suburbs this evening to meet with the LAMP leadership team, some of the most amazing leaders in the city of Pittsburgh. We'll be dreaming together about how we can work together to mobilize the body of Christ to make a huge impact in the city of Pittsburgh one child at a time through mentoring.

Suburbs or city streets. Addicts on the corner or bankers stewarding millions of dollars on behalf of Christ. Pastors or kids in schools. Church staff meetings or visiting with neighbors. The office or the open air. All things in life belong to God. All people are made to be in relationship with God, and I get the great privilege of leading people closer to God no matter where they live or what they are all about. Yes, urban ministry is filled with many challenges. But, I love the unexpected nature of my calling and the challenges that come with it because there is great joy in following Christ in the city with reckless abandon. I'll be giving up everything that the world has to offer today in order to embrace the radical message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's going to be a good day!

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