Saturday, February 11, 2012

Living in the City

Moving to the Homewood neighborhood of the city of Pittsburgh has opened up a lot of conversations and interest about moving to the city. Just this past week, I had several people ask me about what it's like to live in the city. These friends asked me to help them think through what a move to the city might be like for them. These discussions usually involve things like safety, but at the end of the day moving the city has much more to do with calling. I grew up in the suburbs, but God called me to live in the city as an adult. I believe that God has plans for all of us in his mission to redeem the world, and for many of us those plans will involve living in the city. God is rapidly urbanizing the world. Over half of the world's population now lives in cities, and that percentage will only continue to grow throughout this century. Christians intent on making a Kingdom of God impact with their lives in today's day and age should really be engaged in urban ministry. Cities, even with all of their complexities, are where people are headed and where Christianity is growing like crazy. That is why I serve as a pastor in a city... because that's the best place to join God's mission to reach the world. When my suburban friends ask me if they should move to the city, I always encourage them to do so. Cities can be intimidating, but the pay off is huge in terms of God working through us to reach people with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with the suburbs or rural areas, and many good people are called to live there and advance the Kingdom of God in suburban areas. Still, by being intentional about engaging in cities Christians can really make a huge impact with their lives.

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