Sunday, October 30, 2011

Building Relationships Across Cultures

The Harvest Party in Homewood on Friday was a big hit! Hundreds of people from Homewood and many other neighborhoods came together to build relationships around a special event for families and friends. These types of things are so close to the heart of God. God designed human beings to be in relationships with one another that bear fruit in the Kingdom of God. That includes building relationships across cultures, racially, socioeconomically, and in many other ways. Christians should be leading the way in this area, but too often we lag behind as Sunday mornings are culturally segregated and disconnected relationally. One way Christians can overcome this reality is to plan for worship together that is cross-cultural. However, special events are also helpful in drawing cultures together so that people can enter into an environment where they can build relationships. This happened on Friday night at the Harvest Party as people from many diverse backgrounds came together to enjoy one another's company. It was a beautiful thing to be a part of. God is so good to open those kinds of doors for us to build community with one another, and hopefully the seeds of reconciliation through relationships took one more tiny step forward.

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