Monday, July 18, 2011

The Loss of a Friend

A friend of mine from high school was killed by a drunk driver over the weekend. He left behind three children and a wife who he loved very much. From my understanding, he was a follower of Jesus so he is in a better place right now. Still, I know things are going to be very difficult for his family for a while. He left behind quite a legacy as many people were inspired by how well he loved life, loved his family, and loved others. He had a great sense of humor, and he was able to build friendships with just about anyone he came into contact with. My friend was 34 years old when his life ended, but the relationships he built in this life will last for eternity. His legacy provides a great reminder for all men. There are many things in this world that would seek to destroy us and pull us away from God's purposes, but we can overcome those things and love others well if we choose to serve the Lord. Life is short, whether we live to be 34 or 94. We get one shot at this thing. Let's make it count by loving others well.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

So very sorry to hear about your friend.