Friday, January 14, 2011

Frankie's Poem

The guest blogger today is a 12 year old boy in the LAMP program named Frankie.  He wrote this poem for a school project:

Ode to the Days of my Life

Ode to waking up for the first time.
Opening my eyes seeing a fresh warm smile
And feeling warm hands on my back.
Someone holding me.

Ode to being small.
A toddler asking questions.
Running around.
Energetic. Fun.

Ode to the first day of school.
Meeting new kids.
My first best friend, Alonzo,
Sparking up my funny streak.

Ode to my grandma.
A very wise person who helped me in a time of anger and confusion.
The feeling of love and support.

Ode to losing two people important to me.
My close cousin, Alesha,
My laugh-hearty Aunt Anni Boo Boo.

Ode to my brother, Tyran,
For helping me for guidance and love.

Ode to being here in this class room
With friends all of you.

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