Friday, May 29, 2009

Time with friends and a mentor

I'm having a great vacation in California so far. Our good friends, Aaron and Mandy Feleay, have been incredible hosts. We're all heading over to the beach in a couple hours to get some cooler weather (it's been in the mid-90s in Visalia all week).

Yesterday I spent the day with an awesome mentor, Dr. Randy White. He heads up the DMin program at BGU, and he has over 15 years of urban ministry experience in the Lowell Neighborhood of Fresno. I had the unique opportunity to participate in a church mobilization project that he has spent the past 11 months organizing. Also, he drove me around his neighborhood sharing stories of the over 30 different families that have relocated to his neighborhood since he moved there.

Julie and I then had dinner at his house, and we were able to aske tons of questions about incarnational ministry. This was very timely as our house in Homewood closes on June 30 and we are preparing to raise our family in the inner city. We're ready to go, and we feel much more equipped having spent this time with the Whites.

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