Saturday, April 26, 2014


Prayer is powerful. Prayer makes a difference. I'm learning that more and more as I journey with Jesus through this life. Ideas and movements come and go. Leadership styles go in and out. Programs make an impact and then culture changes and the same programs can become stagnant. What doesn't change is God. We can always connect with God through prayer.

God's redemptive mission doesn't change. He is always ready to intervene on our behalf. God desires a relationship with us, though, which means that just like any other relationship we need to cultivate it through time together. I pray in many different ways... sometimes I prayer walk, sometimes I pray in the quiet of my house or office, and sometimes I pray when I'm driving around or listening to music. Sometimes I pray with my wife and children. Sometimes I pray with elders at the church or with friends when we meet for coffee.

The point is to pray. There is no perfect formula. We simply start with an attitude of wanting to grow in our relationship with God and then we tread into new waters with the Lord. We find that God has been tracking with us the whole time. God is right there with us in our journey. God is for us. God is close to us. Prayer helps us to be able to intimately connect with our Creator and greatest ally. 

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