Friday, April 25, 2014

Looking Back on Last Week

I had a chance to step back and reflect this week following the intensity of the season of ministry leading up to Good Friday and Easter. I enjoy serving a church that values leading people closer to Jesus and passionately participating in God's redemptive mission. Our church is filled with creative people and amazing leaders. It's important for us to reach out to our friends and neighbors in order to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The week after Easter Sunday for me is filled with rest. I'm catching my breath. I'm still working, but I'm taking time to pause and reflect on what God has done. God does different things every year at North Way East End. No one Easter worship service is ever the same, just as no one worship service is the same over the course of a year. The Holy Spirit is wild and free, moving at will in many different creative ways. I love slowing down, even if for a few days, because I have the opportunity to hear from God and to have my heart refreshed by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus actually had a pattern of engaging and disengaging during intense seasons of ministry. Jesus was passionate and he also rested. He spent time with people and he spent time alone in prayer. There is no one perfect way to accomplish ministry objectives or to be an effective church. There are many different creative ways to point people to Jesus. It's important for me to sense God's timing as a leader. I'm focusing on all of these things this week.

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