Thursday, September 20, 2012

God's Inescapable Love

One of my favorite things about being a pastor is watching people experience transformation through being in a relationship with Christ. In the city, these signs of transformation are magnified because so many different kinds of people live in the city. Many of these different kinds of people attend the church I happen to lead, so I get to see first hand how God is able to change hearts and move throughout all kinds of unique life situations. Our church has been reaching out to many people in our urban neighborhood, and although transformation is a process, the hearts of both the people serving and the people who are receiving kindness are being slowly changed by the love of Christ. Marriages are being restored. Sinful habits and addictions are being given over to the healing that can only come through the Lord. The people who are attending church in the East End on Sunday mornings are really giving themselves away to community with each other and to neighbors throughout the course of the week. Honestly, it is so amazing the watch God work across cultures and through all kinds of different life stages. God will stop at nothing to pursue the billions of people that he has wonderfully created, including me. As God pursues others, God also pursues me with his inescapable love. My heart is constantly being transformed by the relationship that I have with Jesus. It is truly remarkable.

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