Thursday, September 29, 2011

Location Coming Soon...

This week I had the opportunity to walk through the potential North Way East End location (we're hoping to make the official announcement about the location on the weekend of October 8-9, so it's top secret, classified information until then). I've walked through the space several times now, and I can't believe how much excitement God is giving me for the East End. I can close my eyes and imagine deep worship, strong teaching, excellent family ministries, and life changing relationships in action... all because God is orchestrating something new. This is going to be such an incredible adventure! There are amazing people involved in the launch, and there are amazing people to be reached in the many diverse East End neighborhoods. I love being a pastor in the city!


Timothy Wright said...

Love reading your blog Bryan! Exciting what the Holy Spirit is birthing through everyone in your family! Bless ya.


I did not go through pain and come out the other side; instead, I lived in it and found within that pain the grace to survive and eventually grow. I did not get over the loss of my loved ones; rather, I absorbed the loss into my life, like soil receiving decaying matter, until it became a part of who I am. Sorrow took up permanent residence in my soul and enlarged it.

—Gerald L. Sittser

Bryan McCabe said...

Thanks so much for the comment, Tim. And thanks for investing in me when I was young so that I can understand God's purposes for my life today. You are a great mentor!