Monday, March 14, 2011

Churches on Mission

I read an article this morning in USA Today about how churches in America are starting to get involved in their communities by serving others, especially the poor, homeless, orphans, widows, and older adults.  The article also described how many churches have chosen not to get involved in those areas.  There seems to be a certain amount of tension in many American churches and denominations when it comes to taking on social issues individually and systemically.

Being missional, or externally focused, by serving people in need is not an optional thing for Christians.  Serving others is not just a spiritual discipline that we get to pick and choose from, like praying or reading our Bibles more.  Building relationships with people in need or giving generously to charity is not something that we tack on to the end of our long days when we have very little energy left or a check that we write if we happen to have a little bit left over in our budgets.  God is on mission to redeem the world, and God wants to work through us to fulfill that mission.  Churches choose whether or not they want to get involved in reaching the lost and hurting people in this world because it comes with a cost.  It stretches us and makes us uncomfortable, and so many Christians choose to stay on the sidelines.  The social problems in this world are many and they are complex, and many churches remain crippled and inactive without having the first idea about where to even begin.

Fortunately, many American churches are starting to blaze a path forward.  They are setting examples, or showing the way, to churches that are confused about their mission.  The mission of the church is not to build better programs inside the walls of the church, or develop healthy Christian country club atmospheres.  The mission of the church is to join into God's mission to reach the lost.  We are in relationship with God, we worship God, and our worship impacts the world by how we love others.  Jesus modeled for us what perfect love looks like, and if the church has become confused about just what it is that we are supposed to be doing with this life, then we should look to Jesus for his perfect example.  I have high hopes and great expectations for the church, and wake up every day with the expectation that God is going to move powerfully in amazing ways to reach those that are hurting.

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