Friday, September 11, 2009

From Principles to Lifestyle

Since our move to Homewood, many people through conversations have asked us about our rationale for the move. I must admit that my initial responses involved "applying incarnational leadership principles" or "the theory that shared experiences yield more effective urban ministry results" and so on. I have felt that I need to justify myself for what may be perceived to be irresponsible behavior. Julie often asks me for "the right kind of language" to describe our countercultural life.

Now that we are settling in, we have noticed that lately we have stopped attempting to deliver on theoretical language based on principles and philosophies. We are now describing our move in terms of our lifestyle. We want to live closer to the people in Homewood. We want to be good neighbors. We enrolled Kyra in Faison because we believe we can contribute to the improvement of that school. We believe in the staff at Faison. When something bad happens in our neighborhood, we feel it. When something good happens in our neighborhood, we feel it. We just want to be available to people. We want to demonstrate Christ's love to the community. We want to be present.

This type of mindset has been freeing to Julie and I, because this transition has definitely had some challenges. We have been under a great deal of spiritual attack lately... enough for us to know that it is not coincidence. Thankfully, God has been coming through for us (as always). It's such an amazing feeling to take risks for God and step out onto a ledge that seems crazy to the world, only to have God show up and rescue us. God is a rescuer. He believes we have what it takes. God strengthens and equips us for this battle. And... God can definitely take care of the "language" that is needed to explain our move to Homewood.


Anonymous said...


I can't speak for anyone else, but I can say that no one I've talked to has thought your move to be irresponsible - just maybe hard to understand without knowing the thinking and motives behind it.

The usual paradigm is to move yourself and your family 'upwards' - to a better neighborhood, to better schools, etc. Your move to Homewood flies in the face of 'conventioanl wisdom'. Now, knowing you and Julie, and knowing how God is leading you, the move makes perfct sense. But for those who don't know you as well, the move is surprising, if nothing else. So, please don't feel that you have to defend your move - just share with people what God has called you to, and that will be enough.

There are plenty of instances in Scripture where God called someone to go somewhere to be a witness for him, and most of the time that call was against the 'conventional wisdom' of the time. You should feel honored that God has called you and Julie to just such a ministry.

And make no mistake, it's going to be an uphill battle. The saints in Scripture faced them, and so will you. But, as you said, God is faithful - but just bear in mind that 'Rescue' isn't always part of His Plan. Unbelievers watching a believer suffer for Christ many times IS His plan. And suffering for the Gospel is an honor, too.

John V

Jason Gregg said...

I was in no way surprised at your move. I was actually humbled to see my good friend follow his heart and go against the cultural grain of society. That seems to be the way God moves though. He challenges us to see if our hearts are aligned with his and if it is then the results are usually awesome in nature- though not easy to follow. Your move is inspiring and I hope I have the courage to follow God's will, especially when it is out of the ordinary.

Deanna said...

It is interesting how we feel like we have to explain to people why we make certain decisions. In the Christian community it should be adequate to say "God called, and I obeyed". Obeying God is NEVER irresponsible.

"If God is for us, who can be against all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us"
Romans 8

You are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I do hope that the people who are asking the questions and labeling you as irresponsible are all non-believers. It would be a disgrace to think that someone who has the spirit of the Lord in them would think such a thing or even need to ask the question. The Bible is clear - seek first His kingdom. You and Julie live that. Plain and simple. I would not worry about defending your decision. Instead of questioning, the rest of us should take a lesson. But no worries if they don't - the lukewarm Christians will spend a good part of eternity watching the Award Ceremony for Bryan and Julie!