Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Cold Bottle of Water

Young people in Pittsburgh regularly camp out over night or arrive early in the morning in order to be first in line for new shoes that are released in shoe stores in East Liberty. This happened this morning. As I was on my way to church at North Way East End, there were a group of people waiting in line for shoes. I've been encouraging our church to think of creative ways to reach out to people when these events happen. We've discerned that the best thing to do is to just stop and talk with people. We get to know their stories and ask some questions about the shoes that they are waiting in line for. The church had some left over bottles of cold water from an event that we had earlier in the week, so this morning we visited our friends with the gift of water. We invited some of them to church. They may or may not attend, but it's important for us to take the time to build the relationships. God can use little steps of faith to accomplish his amazing purposes.

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