Thursday, December 12, 2013

An Update on Pastor Freedom

I spent some time with Pastor Freedom this afternoon. His recovery from the surgery to remove cancer in his leg is going very well. The physical therapy is progressing nicely, as he has been using a walker to take walks in the hallway outside his hospital room two times a day. He is still waiting to hear back from the doctors about whether or not he is cancer free or if he will need additional radiation or chemotherapy. Hopefully he will be released from the hospital tomorrow, and then he will spend a week or so in a hospital facility that specializes in rehabilitation and physical therapy. If that goes well, he'll be home for Christmas with his family. He's really looking forward to that! Free and the kids are doing well, also. This family is impacting many people with their testimony of trusting God in the midst of intense trials. Please continue to lift them up in prayer through this period of physical therapy over the next three or four months.

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