Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting Away

I've escaped from Pittsburgh this weekend to do some reading and writing far away from daily activities of urban ministry in Homewood.  One of the unique aspects of living incarnationally in the city is that people stop over at our house all the time, and it is sometimes difficult to carve out time to just be "off duty."  God has been placing many creative ideas in my head and on my heart recently, and I have been craving some extended quiet time alone so that I can get those ideas out of my head and onto paper.  Thankfully, Julie picked up on that and she offered to take on all family responsibilities this weekend so that I could get away.  She's such an amazing wife! 

I'm hoping and praying that the words will flow this weekend.  Most importantly, I simply hope that I can connect with God and have him refresh me so that I can be prepared to jump back into the great work that is going on in Homewood.  2011 is going to be a strange year... probably the only year of my life that I will actually write a doctoral dissertation.  It's a big mountain to climb, but I think I'm up for it!


Julie McCabe said...

What's this "probably" stuff?

Bryan McCabe said...

Haha... I meant, definitely the only time I'll write a dissertation!