Friday, December 12, 2008

The Call

Last week I finished reading a book by Os Guinness called "The Call." Has anyone read this book? I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

It's definitely deep stuff, and it was very challenging. Julie and I read a lot of it together on our way to and from our trip to NYC. Julie always drives on trips like that because she gets carsick, so I usually read to her once she's exhausted her 20,000 word total with me serving as her captive audience on the car ride. I usually powerhouse through books by reading as fast as I can while we're driving, but in the case with this book I had to slow down and reread many of the key points (which pop up in just about every paragraph). It definitely opened up some great conversations for us as we were driving. So much of it was applicable to our day to day lives as followers of Christ. It's having a tremendous impact on my calling. I'll post my book report for this one eventually, but I was just curious if anyone else has been impacted by it (or any of Guinness's other books).

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