Sunday, September 4, 2016

CCDA Los Angeles Day 4

On the last day of the conference, we heard from speakers Enid Almanzar and Michael McBride. Both speakers challenged everyone attending to go back to their cities and neighborhoods to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ in contextually appropriate ways while utilizing prophetic voices. Enid challenged us to rise up during these challenging times in our nation to truly engage marginalized people, not in paternalistic unhealthy ways, but in places where we have taken the time to listen and learn. Michael challenged us to move beyond learning in order to do the work of the prophetic church. We need to prophecy or we will perish. 

Earlier in the morning, Coach Gordon and John Perkins led another Bible study. I continue to be amazed at how these leaders allowed their pain to transform them into more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Often in the work of urban ministry and Christian community development, practitioners deal with issues of life and death, brokenness and assets, signs of need and signs of hope. These leaders did such a great job of capturing all of the ups and downs of ministry on the margins, and they did so from a biblical perspective. I'll be processing everything that they shared, and I'm sure some of it will be coming out in the teaching that I'll be doing over the months and years to come. 

I am so thankful for my time in LA with the amazing people of CCDA. So often I feel lonely in the urban ministry and reconciliation work that the Lord has called me to be a part of in Pittsburgh. The best take away that I had from this week, then, was the opportunity to gather and experience fellowship in the family atmosphere of thousands of other people from around the country who are also participating in urban mission and cross-cultural relationships. I was so encouraged by the people that I was around, by the speakers, by the workshops, and through reconnecting with friends who are on the journey with me. 

I am glad to be back in Pittsburgh, though. I'm refreshed and charged up to take huge risks to participate in God's redemptive mission with every person in every place on this earth. The Lord is giving me new eyes to see, and I'm excited about building on the foundation that has already been established over the past 11 years of serving in Homewood. God is so amazing... let's get ready for something big Pittsburgh!

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