Friday, February 20, 2015

Reflecting on a Busy Couple of Weeks

I just wrapped up a busy couple of weeks of ministry. I had the opportunity to lead, preach, teach, build relationships with many different types of people, and to engage with some of the most challenging issues in my city. It was a tough stretch, but it was also a good stretch. Life is presenting many challenges, but God is teaching me that I must increasingly depend on him for strength as I give myself away to others in participating in God's redemptive mission.

I'm really enjoying teaching masters and doctoral students at Bakke Graduate University. Students from all over the world are increasing their capacity by studying about relief, development, and advocacy in complex urban and global contexts. I am learning so much from the leaders who are taking the course. It's been a challenge, but it's so worth it to see the difference that is made in a relatively short span of nine weeks.

As an urban pastor I've encountered the pain of violence in my neighborhood, and I've been able to challenge our faith community to passionately impact the world through healthy work. These recent weeks have been filled with counseling appointments, staff meetings, partnership collaborations, worship services, and discipleship time. There are many ups and downs in the journey, but God is faithful through it all. Urban ministry is not for the faint of heart, but God is equipping me daily for the challenges. 

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